So It's really hot outside today, I sent out a load of messages to see if people were up for cheddar today as I fell of the last move of my project on Tuesday with Robbie! I know it will go first time next time, it's just a case of getting there. As i have no wheels (other than my bicycle, which would take far too long and i have no guarantee of a belayer) I decided to whip up a Vegetable bed!
I looked through lots of youtube vids, articles and so on but I soon realized that the logistics would be costly and again, 8 foot planks on the bike just isn't practical!
Anyway, here are my efforts!
A veg garden made from:
Tomo and Lucy's Wadrobe
Ikea Cd Rack
Old steps stored at the top of our garden
And a few screws!!
More photos to come as the bodge job progresses.
So far I will be planting beetroot, red lettuce, green lettuce, perpetual spinach and whatever else can grow at this time of the year!
And there is the result :) The spinach is almost full size now. Love it.