Sunday, 13 January 2013

Lime pickle style salad dressing

Heres a quick salad dressing recipe I came up with to go with a curry vegetable curry. It was really delicious so I thought it worthy of a blog post. Quick simple, healthy and amazing. 

- Juice from 1 squeezed lime
- 9 Mejool dates
- 1/4 cup of corriander
- Small sprig of ginger
- Water (to make a chick creamy consistency) 

Method: Blend it all up and chop some coriander to go on top. 

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Juice Burgers!

So here are my raw veggie burgers created from the left over pulp from my juicer. I added paprika, fresh and dried oregano and sesame seeds. They're delicious! However, I can picture certain pulp combinations not working so well. I used the oven on the lowest setting for about 3 hours, which works well although I think it's pretty close to the threshold for being 'raw'.

I usually put the pulp in the composter and then into my veg beds as it breaks down so fast and makes some of the best rich soil for growing more veg :)